Tackle Your Day with the Best Women's Iron supplement for Energy

Tackle Your Day with the Best Women's Iron supplement for Energy

Women are most affected by the pandemic. This is a fact. This is based on past outbreaks. The recent COVID-19 era has confirmed it without question. Everyone is home all the time. Be it a home-maker, single-mother, professional, or newlywed with no children yet; they are all facing the effects of the pandemic in more ways than one. 

The pandemic's social and economic effects have made most people feel that women after affected more than men. Women bear the brunt of the care responsibilities that come with schools and offices being shut down. Care responsibilities increase when the family members fall ill, and it's no longer the first option to go to the hospital. The pressure on the women increases when they try to work out some home remedies to treat small illnesses and resort to a visit to the doctor only if it is an emergency. 

The need of the hour is to ensure that the response and recovery efforts are customized to support women. It is time to minimize the gendered impact of the pandemic. You need the best ayurvedic medicine for women's health. To begin with, women need to be taken care of concerning 

Ensuring nourishment

Women’s and girls’ health must be a priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. While everyone’s life has been affected, the long-term impact will be felt more acutely by women and children. Nutrients are critical to ensuring that the women have the strength and the ability to take care of everyone else and everything else that is dependent on her. 

Enabling access to sexual and reproductive health care services 

With health facilities and health care workers being overwhelmed, women are worried about accessing medical services, especially prenatal care, labour, and delivery. This is the time to ensure that they do not add stress to their body. Sexual and reproductive health care services are critical at this point. Simple things like ensuring the right levels of nutrition and maintaining correct levels of iron are mandatory. Reproductive health must remain a core part of health care as it struggles to adapt.

Bringing care for other physical, mental, and emotional needs 

Given the intense limitations that have been imposed by the pandemic, a renewed commitment must be enforced to ensure support to women, girls, and children so that they are not denied the opportunity to lead healthy lives. 

During these challenging times, it is vital to look after the physical and mental health. In the long-term, it also helps bring resilience to the body, mind, and soul. You need the best ayurvedic medicine for women's health to ensure comprehensive care and support. 

First things first, women should bring in a healthy and nutritious diet. This is critical in enabling the immune system to function effectively. Secondly, ensuring that a healthy life is being adopted. This means eating and sleeping on time, no smoking, and regular exercise. 

Women’s physical health

Women experience unique health issues and conditions, from pregnancy and menopause to gynecological disorders. Other health issues include heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, and blood pressure. 

Women’s mental health

Gender plays a critical role as a determinant of mental health. Women and men are different not only in their obvious physical attributes but also in their psychological makeup. Women are believed to have a higher level of internalizing illnesses than men who have a higher level of externalizing them. When it comes to mental health issues, women tend to predominate. 

Woman’s emotional health 

When physical or mental issues are not sorted out in time, it impacts emotional well-being. Research says that women are more prone to anxiety than men. It leads to anger, anxiety, and fear, amongst others. 

Why iron?

Fatigue is one of the most common side-effects of most of these health issues. And iron becomes the most obvious supplement to be added to the diet. It is one of the best ways to empower women too. Before you start looking for the best iron supplement for women, it is essential to understand the impact of this iron on a woman’s health. 

The connection between iron levels with the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of a woman

Iron is an important metal that helps maintain physical and mental functions. Emotional health is the third part of this critical triangle of health. The iron assists in the transport and delivery of oxygen through the body and assists cognitive function. An iron deficiency will affect mental health by triggering psychological issues. While each person's tolerance level varies, low iron levels can bring about mood swings, panic attacks, and anxiety, amongst others. The subsequent physical issues include fatigue, insomnia, and dizziness. It impacts the person's skin and hair as well, thus opening up various other concerts such as insecurity and low confidence. 

It comes as no surprise that many health care professionals consider iron supplements a critical part of the healing process. And you need the best iron supplement for women to bring holistic health to your body. 


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Maharishi Ayurveda’s Raktda: Best Iron Supplement For Women 

Although iron may be readily available through the consumption of an iron-rich diet, and most people would need similar iron levels, women tend to suffer from iron deficiency more than men. It has come to the realization of many that it is not just about the diet and the nutrition but the body’s ability to absorb the iron from this food that also plays an important role. In order to ensure healthy iron levels, a woman’s body must be empowered with the intelligence to make use of the iron that has been provided to them. 

Why does Raktda make a difference? 

Erratic lifestyle, poor diet, tiredness, stress, workload, studies, family, these all are some common issues that often deprive today’s women of maintaining a healthy life balance. We bring you Raktda, a solution that naturally supports haemoglobin levels, boosts energy, and restores skin and hair health. Raktda is naturally the best ayurvedic supplement with a  perfect combination of Iron, Vitamin, Calcium, Herbs & Minerals. 

Key Benefits:

  1. Iron Bhasma in micronized particles enhances the body to absorb iron naturally from your diet without any side effects.
  2. Enriched with Vitamin C, which also enables better iron absorption by the body.
  3. Rich in Iron, calcium, minerals, and natural herbs.

Why women health is important?

It is important to monitor one’s iron levels as women are at a higher risk of iron deficiency. This will affect her physical, mental, and emotional health and subsequently impact the rest of the family as well. 

Care for the women in your lives. Care with Raktda. It is the best iron supplement for women, after all. 

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