Understanding the relationship between life, habits and health

Understanding the relationship between life, habits and health

Being the daughter of a civil engineer and an IT professional's wife, I seem to have seen it all. In my previous blog, I talked about how my father and husband have different personalities, lifestyles, and food habits. Over the years, I have realized the impact it has on our health and our frame of mind, ability to fight illnesses, and live a balanced life. 

Back in the ’70s, life was not as hectic or competitive. My father, the son of an army officer, was all about discipline and routine. His body worked like a clock, keeping him in shape. Junk food and eating outside was almost non-existent. It had a beneficial impact on his overall wellness too. His mother was big on herbal remedies. They had a garden full of medicinal plants that were used not just for illnesses but also for immunity. My father could be the face of perfect health if ever there was such a thing. 

The IT profession, by itself, is haphazard in every way. And then the pandemic hit. 2020 became just the opposite of the 1970s. Life as we knew it no longer existed. Businesses were hit big time, and jobs were at stake. It was not the time to take things easy in any way. The competition at my husband’s office was no longer healthy. It was a choice between being healthy or being employed. Eating on time was ruled out. Sometimes, my husband even skipped lunch because there was simply no time and eating became optional in his books. 

My father had visited us before the lockdown started, and he stayed with us because travel was ruled out. My house was chaotic and confusing. No maids. School-from-home and work-from-home became the norm. The effects of stress hit everyone in the household. 

And then there was my life. I had to multitask between all the people in the house, understand their routine, and ensure everyone was cared for. Cooking, cleaning, and house chores took up a lot of my time as well. It seemed like it was rush-hour all the time. Stress became a big part of our lives because there was suddenly just too much to do and very little time. No one knew how to improve productivity. And then, there was also the dangerous virus that kept us perpetually in fear. This was not how we imagined 2020 to be. 

Amrit Kalash

We do not understand the massive impact of the little things in our lives. We do not realize that when we sleep late, eat irregularly and worry too much; our health gets affected. With 2020’s pandemic being the cause of worry for every household, panic only increased worry. Every item purchased was looked at like a time-bomb. Social distancing started to make people feel lonely. Too many things to do increased stress levels. Too much junk food escalated the sugar and cholesterol levels. Attempting to complete the daily to-do list made every day a taxing day. 

What had happened was that the mind, body, and soul was exhausted. It was impossible to keep even one aspect happy. Life became mind-numbingly frustrating. In the end, we are all just waiting for that moment when we can unburden ourselves and be free again. Without sleep, the day was unproductive. The effects of stress lasted a long time. By the time we went to sleep, we were so exhausted; we could never sleep immediately. Appetite was always an issue. Work pressure ruled out eating on time. We were just surviving, and barely at that. 

Tiny little habits make you the person you are. Every one of them has an impact on your tomorrow. With a lack of routine and an irregular and stressful lifestyle, you are unable to follow any good habits. This is when your health goes for a toss. This is because stress and health are directly related. Stress reduction is critical to improving productivity. 

It was then that my mother called and told me to do something about tackling the effects of stress. Her first advice was to stop purchasing side-effects causing chemicals and start living an Ayurvedic Life. Stress and health should be the first priority. 

She started talking to me about the herbs in her garden that helped her stay healthy no matter what. She told me about various ways she included turmeric, cardamom, long pepper, and ghee in the meals. Every single ingredient holistically enhanced health. And as she named the ingredients, I could automatically connect it with this advertisement I saw earlier. 

Maharishi Ayurveda’s Amrit Kalash

has everything that my mother would approve and appreciate. I got very excited and told her about it. My mother is a big believer in everything natural, and that is what this Super Rasayana stood for. Known for bringing daily health and longevity, this health supplement is enriched with the goodness of 53 time-tested herbs and minerals. A well-researched Ayurvedic Proprietary Rasayana, it is extensively researched, clinically tested and proven at globally renowned institutions like AIIMS. 

Read my next blog to know more about how Maharishi Amrit Kalash is the must-have health supplement in every home today. Watch this space because that is the best ayurvedic medicine for stress, immunity, anti-ageing and health supplements that I could recommend to you. 

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