How to get rid of Constipation with Ayurveda?

Dealing with irregular bowel movements, passing dry, lumpy, or hard stools, and taking longer time than usual to pass stools - This struggle against constipation may be tough for anyone.

Constipation means that your bowel movements are irregular or tough. This situation can be uncomfortable and worrisome even more if it is not managed properly. The constant episodes of this condition can even result in chronic constipation that can deteriorate the overall performance of the digestive system which indirectly affects the entire health of an individual.

Do you know the best medicine for constipation?

To manage this condition, individuals generally use over-the-counter laxatives and chemical drugs, considering them the best medicine for constipation. While these medicines may give some relief, they can cause metabolic disturbances in the body and even cause problems like headaches, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.

So, think before you use any instant constipation relief medicine. Instead, you can follow some simple tips that Ayurveda recommends as these are extremely helpful in supporting the return of normal bowel movements.


This resource is intended to share some practical Ayurvedic tips to support healthy bowel movements. But, first, let’s understand the main causes of constipation in detail.

Some common causes of constipation are-

 A few of the common reasons for constipation are:

  1.  Drinking less water can cause the stool to become tighter, thereby leading to constipation.
  2. Stress can be a major key factor that many people ignore.
  3. Constipation can occur due to slow contractions that delay the passage of stools. This may be due to stress or a change in your daily routine.
  4. Consuming a diet that is low in fiber content.
  5. Leading a sedentary lifestyle and not getting enough activity can disturb body metabolism and leads to constipation.
  6. Ignoring the need to pass stools can also cause constipation.
  7. Abrupt changes in your daily routine like traveling or not sleeping at the right times, or not getting enough rest can cause constipation.
  8. Excessive use of medications like painkillers and antacids can sometimes cause constipation. This can occur during pregnancy because of hormonal changes in the female body.
  9. Certain underlying medical conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Diverticulosis, or any other problem in the colon can also contribute to constipation.

What does Ayurveda say about Constipation?

According to Ayurveda, any irregularities in the body are caused due to imbalance in the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Doshas in the body. Constipation is the result of Vata Imbalance in the body as Apana Vayu is a type of Vata dosha that regulates downward movement. An imbalance in the Apana Vayu can affect the colon movement and impact the working of its muscles.

In the Ayurvedic Treatment of Constipation, it is recommended to use herbal formulations. Since these herbs offer no side effects and are natural, this makes the ayurvedic treatment for constipation much more effective in the long run.

This issue can happen to people of all ages and needs a more natural and holistic approach to solve it.

Tips to address the issue of Constipation

Dietary Changes

The most important aspect that needs attention is the diet that you take. As constipation is caused due to imbalance in Vata, you need to take a Vata pacifying diet. Additionally, intake of only warm, freshly cooked, and healthy foods is recommended. One should avoid taking cold and stale food.

Here are Ayurveda-recommended Diet suggestions for you:

  • Consume foods rich in dietary fiber such as grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. Fruits such as apples, bananas, guavas, figs, oranges, carrots, etc. should be consumed.
  • Food that has the Prakriti of warmth and is freshly cooked should be consumed.
  • The use of a few spices like garlic, ginger turmeric, cumin, asafetida, and carom seeds is recommended.
  • It is suggested to use ghee or organic oils while cooking.
  • Avoid the intake of junk foods, fried food, processed food, spicy food, and non-vegetarian items.
  • Sip on warm water throughout the day. It is important that you consume enough water throughout the day. Start your day with a glass of warm water and lemon instead of taking bed tea or coffee.
  • Warm soups or dal soups can be taken.  
  • Smoking, consuming alcohol, and taking too much caffeine also needs to be avoided.
  • Unhealthy eating practices like overeating affect digestive health and thus, need to be avoided.

Simple DIY Remedy

You can consume roasted fennel seeds with warm water. This works as an excellent laxative. Also, castor oil acts as a natural laxative. You can take a spoonful of this oil before bedtime.

Move your Body

You cannot ignore the importance of physical activity. Having a sedentary lifestyle can really hurt your digestive system. Having an increased activity level can help you immensely. Even going for a walk can help you a lot.  You can also practice Yoga as many Yoga Asanas can provide relief from indigestion and constipation.

 Ayurveda Therapy

There is also an Ayurveda Therapy called Abhyanga or massage to treat imbalances in the body. Panchkarma therapy can be used that can provide you relief in constipation.

Don’t forget to get your 8 hours

Sound Sleep is very important to treat any disease since sleep rejuvenates the body and heals it. Try to maintain your sleep hours and get stress-free sleep.


It is one of the most common herbal formulations used to treat constipation in the most natural way possible. This instant constipation relief medicine is a potent blend of dried fruits from highly effective herbs- Amalaki, Bhibhitaki, and Haritaki. It works as a natural laxative and helps improve bowel movement, thereby managing constipation.


It’s a synergistic combination of nature’s best herbs like saunf, saunth, harad, and sendha namak that helps manage constipation effectively and safely. These constipation relief tablets are formulated to correct the imbalance of Samana Vata, Pachak Pitta, and Kledak Kapha doshas, thereby supporting digestion. The best aspect is that despite providing instant relief from the problem, this medicine is not habit-forming, and doe does not cause any side effects.

Here are a few of the Frequently asked questions that are asked:

Which Ayurvedic medicine is best for constipation?

For constipation, you can use Triphala and Dizomap. These are the constipation relief tablets that help ease bowel movement effectively and safely and support your gut health.

What is the treatment of constipation in Ayurveda?

In Ayurveda, we focus on balancing the doshas in your body mainly the Vata dosha. Ayurvedic treatment involves the use of herbal formulations that can provide relief.

What can I eat to relieve constipation immediately?

Ayurvedic medicine for constipation

For immediate results, people go for over-the-counter laxatives, but we recommend you go for Ayurvedic formulations. As these are highly effective, completely natural, non-habit forming, and have no side effects, these are the best medicine for constipation.

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